Wednesday, March 4 using colons

Finishing up the Spoon River presentations today and moving on. Periods 3 and 9 only will be collecting a new text tomorrow: Ethan Frome by Edith Frome. Ms. Camp will be taking over period 7 beginning Thursday. Her material will be posted on the blog, as well. Check under her name.

In class: 
HOW to use a COLON
(class handout/ copy below; this will count in the homework category)  Due tomorrow.
1. Before formally introducing a list 
(An independent clause must precede the colon.)

2. Between two independent clauses when the 
second explains or expands the first

 3. Before a formal appositive (*An independent clause
 must precede the colon)
Note that an appositive is a noun that renames another 
Jack, the best player on the team, earned a scholarship.
Jakarta, the most populous city in the world, is sinking
Whenever the US President, the leader of the free world, speaks people take note.



The reaction of the audience signified: fear

4. Between hour and minute / chapter and verse (Bible)

At 4:01 p.m. the doors will open to the public.

You will find those words in Genesis1: 14-17

Name______________________________________ colon practice Circle the correct letter for following
1. Many jobs interest me teaching, writing, editing, and social work.
a.) job, interest
b.) interest, me
c.) me: teaching
2. There were a number of famous people at the restaurant Brittany Spears, Jack Nicholson, and Helen Hunt.
a.) people: at
b.) restaurant: Brittany
c.) Nicholson: and
3. There are a lot of chores I do not like doing dishes, washing windows, and vacuuming rugs.
a.) doing: dishes
b.) like: doing
c.) dishes: washing
4. He was a world class athlete a rowing champion.
a.) was: a
b.) class: athlete
c.) athlete: a
5. She did not pass the most important of her exams math.
a.) pass: the
b.) important: of
c.) exams: math
6. I like all kinds of desserts lemon pie, carrot cake, strawberry ice cream, and chocolate pudding.
a.) kinds: of
b.) desserts: lemon
c.) cake: strawberry
7. Some cities are known for being friendly Buffalo.
a.) are: known
b.) known: for
c.) friendly: Buffalo

8. There are several hobbies I particularly enjoy cake decorating, dancing, and bicycling.
a.) enjoy: cake
b.) hobbies: I
c.) dancing: and
9. One factor made our winter more difficult than usual ice storms.
a.) winter: more
b.) usual: ice
c.) ice: storms
10. She prized only one possession her diamond necklace.
a.) prized: only
b.) only: one
c.) possession: her
For the following, fill in the missing colons.
11) I gave you the spray bottles for one reason to clean the windows.
12) You will need the following ingredients milk, sugar, flour, and eggs.
13) Johann set the alarm clock for 6 00.
14) My father ended every conversation the same way “Don’t give up.”
15) Dear Mr. Kurasu of the Kiragowa Corporation
16) Mix the oil and vinegar at a 1 2 ratio.
17) I have invited the following people to my party Kevin, Amy, and Keeley.
18) There is only one way to make it to the top hard work.
19) The soldier shouted the following before leaving to war “We shall return victorious!”
20. I went to the mall it was busy and filled with people.
21. The teacher gave out the directions no talking and listen quietly.
22. I brought my sports equipment to the gym a basketball shorts and water.
23.  The food arrived at the table it was delicious and smelled good.
24. My dad told my brother “get your homework done.”
25. Praise the Lord all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples.
Psalms 117 1.


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