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Wednesday/ Thursday, February 26 / 27 Spoon River character analyses

Coming Up: vocabulary quiz from the poems we have read: this Friday, 2/ 28...(another copy below); remember that you are only defining the word and giving the part of speech.

In class Wednesday and Thursday: 5 character analyses.  You may open your text anywhere. Browse and explore. These will be collected at the start of class on Friday.

Have you turned in the two short writing assignments for Monday (Summer's Day) and Tuesday (The Hill)?  

 I have finished grading everything I have received! 

Choose five of the poems that appeal to you and complete a CHARACTER ANALYSIS worksheet for each.

Character Analysis for Spoon River Anthology
You will need to complete five character analysis forms.  Keep in mind that these people lived close to one hundred and fifty years ago. Remember to justify all your answers with text.

Character’s name______________________________________ page number________________

Once you have the read and familiarized yourself with the poem write 6 key words that are representative of the following literary elements and help develop the narrative of the epitaph. After each word you select, identify the element. (Character, plot, setting, theme, mood (evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions), tone (attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience) and explain how it fleshes out the character.

 Literary element
Why important to narrative development







1.      In a minimum of fifty words, summarize the life of the character on the epitaph. Weave in physical descriptors, (don’ t forget to use quotations), relationships and a theme, such as revenge, injustice or justice, religion and jealousy.  Were they disillusioned, disappointed? Were their secrets taken to the grave?



Vocabulary words from the poems we read.  Hand out on Monday, February 24…quiz on Friday, February 28

The quiz will consist of defining the words only and identifying the part of speech.
1.       cornice (noun)- a molding around a room just below the ceiling.  Cornices are often decorative.
2.       to surmise (verb)- to suppose or deduce  You may surmise that with little effort, you will not succeed.
3.       cindery (adjective)- ashy......Cinderella’s hair was gray and cindery from cleaning out the fireplace.
4.       incandescent (adjective) emitting a fiery light  His smile was incandescent, and his kisses ever-flowing.
5.       ominous (adjective)- threatening, something bad happening   A dark sky is an ominous sign.
6.       fawn (noun)- young deer  A mother deer might neglect its fawn, if a human touches it.
7.       to kindle (noun) – to light a fire or to awaken a thought  The poem kindled a latent thought.
8.       a plank (noun)- thin, long piece of timber  While iron is substituted for planks in buildings, once they were only wood
9.       attired (adjective)- dressed …How are you attired today?
10.   visage (noun)-face- His visage wore a trail of tears.
11.   to mock (verb)- to tease or laugh at.  To mock another individual is often a form of bullying.
12.   colossal (adjective)-extremely large     The sphynx is an ancient, colossal structure.
13.   sycamore (noun)- a tree    Deciduous sycamore trees grow large, shady leaves.
14.   rankish (adjective)-growing out of control.   The weeds were rankish, so it took several hours to tame them.
15.   to dapple (verb)- to mark with spots     The sun radiating through the leaves dappled the afternoon grass.
16.   katydid (noun)  - type of cricket   The chirping katydids sang to us as the moon rose.
17.   to begirt (verb)- to surround             A series of ponds begirt the farmer’s field.
18.   bayou (noun)- a marshy outlet in the southern US.  Crawdads and shrimp are fished for in Louisiana’s bayous.
19.   conviction (noun) – a firmly held belief   The conviction in his voice was poignant, as we affirmed out beliefs.
20.   spiritus mundi (noun) spiritual world    After World War I, many feared that the spiritus mundi had collapsed
21.   muscadine (nou n)- a southern grape         Muscadine grades are sweet and make a refreshing summer refresher.
to grope (verb) - to feel about blindly    Sometimes we feel like we grope through life, not knowing what’s to come.                                                                                                                                                                                      


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