Tuesday, December 17 A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings

Learning targets: 

  • I can analyze the development of themes across multiple texts
  • I can analyze the impact of specific word choice on meaning
  • I can analyze the impact of narrative perspective
  • I can identify and analyzing the literary devices used within the short story form
  • I can analyze how an author develops theme through literary devices
  • I can write a literary analysis essay
  • I can cite evidence from the text to support claims
  • I can fluid explanations

In class: assessment on "A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings." Clear you desk, leaving only a writing utensil and your story. 

Take out your text. This is the third, and final, response in short story unit on values and beliefs. As before, if you are talking at all to anyone besides me, you will receive a zero. When you have finished, raise your hand, and I will collect the work. If you receive extended time, you will need to come in to finish at any other time during the next three days. Let me know, and I'll write you a pass.

Coming up:  On Wednesday/ Thursday you will be writing the text to self essay based upon "The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings". Make up or fun day Friday, depending upon what you need to finish up before the break.

In class: Similarly to the last two short stories, you are writing a text to self response. (These are always fun to read!)

Choose one of the following promps and respond with a minimum of 250 words. Use your story as a reference. This counts as a writing grade; that is in the 50% category.

MLA heading; the title is "
Your checklist: spelling, subject/ verb agreement, capitalization (no i), tense changes. Correct use of commas and semicolons.  Vary your sentence structure. Yes, you will use I, but not "I think or I believe or in my opinion." You must include text. That means you need quotation marks. To cite use (Gordimer).  Share 2006630


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