Monday, October 28, finishing up "Sonny's Blues" reponses

Coming up: vocabulary quiz "The Yellow Wallpaper"  on Tuesday, October 29; last vocabulary quiz for this quarter.
another copy below
Today you are finishing up your responses to three of the following 7 questions in a paragraph format. These were posted last Thursday. They are due by midnight tonight, after which this last writing grade of the first quarter will be worth only 50 points. 

Remember that you must complete three of these. Check the rubric below and access your own work...or better yet,  have a classmate review your response for the language conventions, word count and content. If you sent me yours over the weekend, double check your work. Once I grade the assignment, there are no corrections!

Begin with a MLA heading; the title is "Sonny's Blues."
Rubric: each response must be a paragraph of a  minimum of 50 words.
Language conventions: spelling, 
              grammar, punctuation, content
 Accurate, detailed response.
Share: 2006630                           Midnight or bust!

1. Consider this passage:  "All this was carrying me some place I didn't  want to go. . .It filled everything, the people, the houses, the music,  the dark, quicksilver barmaid, with menace. . ."  What's the "menace"?   What danger is this brother confronting?

2. What does Charlie Parker represent in the story? Discuss Sonny’s character in relation to his choice of Charlie Parker? (you will need to do some research here to respond to the question.)

3. . What is the function of the narrator’s description of the streets of their childhood and the housing project in which he and his family live? What do these descriptions tell us about the fates of the generations? Why does the housing project look like “a parody of the good, clean, faceless life”? 

4. . Comment on the following: “…Sonny was at that piano playing for his life.” 

5.What could be the reason (S) why the name of the narrator is never revealed in the story? (Think about the vocabular word anonymous.)

6. . What is the significance of the narrator’s uncle’s death in the story? (you will need to know how exactly the uncle died.)

7. Explain the importance of the light and darkness imagery, using evidence from the text.

The Yellow Wallpaper Vocabulary for quiz on 10/29

1.    admirable (adjective):  worthy of pleasure or approval; deserving of high regard; excellent
2.    conscientious (adjective):  careful; meticulous; controlled by or done according to a sense of what is right
3.    conspicuous (adjective):  easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable; attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities or eccentricities
4.    deceit (noun):  concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating
5.    derision (noun): the use of ridicule or scorn to show contempt; a state of being laughed at or ridiculed 
6.    fatuity (noun):  something foolish or stupid
7.    lurid (adjective): gruesome; horrible; revolting; terrible in intensity, fierce passion, or unrestraint; lighted or shining with an unnatural, fiery glow
8.    querulous (adjective):  full of complaints; complaining; characterized by or uttered in complaint
9.    temperament (noun):  characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response; extremely high sensibility

10.                       undulate (verb): to have a wavy surface, edge, or markings


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