Thursday, September 26 Side step: grammar exercises

Coming up: vocabulary This Was Our Land, Tuesday, October 1
In class: grammar practice. See directions below:
Make sure you have shared these with me today, as they will be corrected this evening. 
Share: 2006630. This is timed for the class. Only those receiving extended time may turn it in later.
TAKE YOUR TIME; these require reflection, especially the pronoun agreement.
Name__________________________-Irregular Verbs - Exercise  Thursday, September 25
Directions: Open up a word document and create an MLA heading with the title Grammar Practice 1.
REWRITE each sentence, correcting the form of the verb in parenthesis. You may add auxiliary verbs.  This is due at the close of class.  Share 2006630   Graded class assignment.

1. Yesterday Joan (feel) quite ill.

2. Have you (make) any money from your business yet?

3. After he finished the plumbing job, Bob (leave) his tools at the site.

4. The house was (build) near a lake.

5. Jack studied for twelve years and finally (become) a doctor.

6. The witness (swear) that she had not seen the burglar.

7. We (eat) lunch at the restaurant and then went home.

8. After climbing for hours, the hiker (fall) into the ravine.

9. Two expensive pieces of jewelry were (steal) from the store.

10. Will they be (give) away free sample?

 Directions: Choose the correct pronoun for each sentence below. Read the entire sentence before making your choice.
11. Five of (we  us  ourselves ) took a cab to the play.

12. Are you and (they  them  themselves ) attending the meeting.

13. No one is more concerned about the matter than (she  her  herself ) .

14. (Who  Whom ) can I go out with tonight?

15. Margaret and (I  me  myself ) hope to be roommates.

16. The committee told Smith and (they  them  themselves ) to write a new resolution.

17. Is he the one for (who  whom ) the note is intended.

18. We discovered that it was (they  them  themselves ) who started the fire.

19. Everyone asked Joan and (he  him  himself ) to speak at the convention.

20. A person as young as (she  her  herself ) should not be given too much responsibility.

Vocabulary This Land Was Our Land      quiz on Tuesday, October 1
1.     monotonous (adjective)- dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
2.    subsidiary  (noun)- less important than but related or supplementary to something.
             "many    environmentalists argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of               protecting the environment"
3.     coercive (adjective) relating to using force or threats
4.     antebellum (adjective) occurring or existing before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.

5.       to intimidate (verb)- to frighten or overawe someone to get them to do something
6.     crucible (noun)- a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.
"their relationship was forged in the crucible of war"
7.       extortion (noun)- the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
                                     taking advantage of
8.       exploitation (noun)- taking advantage of someone to benefit from their work
9.       to perplex (verb)-to cause someone to feel completely confused
10.   acquisition (noun)- the learning or developing of a skill, habit, or quality OR acquiring something in a museum.




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